Election Info

Our state elections have been federalized, which is a violation of law.

Learn More

Download our presentation in PDF format or in PowerPoint.

Podcast/Video: Faith Dowden discusses election integrity with Representative Josiah Magnuson on the “Get ta Steppin” Podcast.

Video: Faith Dowden’s educational presentation on digital ballot systems and ongoing measures to ensure election integrity in SC. Presented at Spartanburg CAN

Video: Your Own Government Is Rigging Elections (432Hz) on Rumble
\\ from Broken Anthem, ToreSaysPlus

Also available On Truth

More Election Info

Video: Presentation by Ohio Secretary of State Candidate Tore Maras about government election interference

Video: Fraction Magic – A real-time demo of the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found, with context and explanation. Demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions.

Evidence: Election Affidavit by Tore Maras (PDF)

Article: Homeland Security Running Elections

Article: Dominion’s Own Frog Destroys their Claim

Article: Craigslist Among Cyber Oligarchs that Equip Election Cybersecurity

Press Release: SC Freedom Fighters (PDF)
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3