Voting FAQs

Q. What will elections look like in the future if you win your lawsuit? Why is it important to change them?

A. Elections will be one day voting and will use only paper ballots. It is imperative we make this change to give the Power back to the People and to prevent fraud, hacking, and the uncertainty in the validity of our vote.

Q. Are you just trying to find a way to intimidate voters and make it hard for everyone to be able to vote, so that your favorite candidates will win? 

A. We are a group of nonpartisan South Carolinians. We want all voters to have their vote count at the polls. Filling out a paper ballot is like filling out a short application, which will make the process simple and transparent. The machines can be very intimidating for those who are vision impaired, the elderly, and for those who are not tech savvy.

Q. If we don’t use election machines, how will people with disabilities vote?

A. The machines are not tailored to people with disabilities. If people are unable to write in their vote, they can have a proxy.

Q. If we don’t use election machines, how will we ever get all the ballots counted?

A. Our State spent over 51 million dollars on the election machines that are not transparent and have vulnerabilities. On the day of election each county will oversee their election process as they currently do. More people will have to be hired in a non-partisan way and each vote will be counted manually and put in a locked ballot box.

Q. If we don’t use election machines how will everyone have time to vote? Won’t the lines be really long because voting is so slow?

A. The slowdown usually happens when voters check in and wait for a machine to be available. The voter then waits for their ballot to be printed and then scanned into the machine. There have been multiple locations that have had problems with the machines or voting was halted for some reason. With a paper ballot they will have the ability to turn it in and this can be done much faster than the voting process now. Pens are easily accessible and paper ballots are quicker to fill out. Prior to the machines, people have voted by paper ballot for centuries.

Q. What if the people counting the ballots make a mistake or cheat?

A. Voting by Paper ballot will be easier to detect a mistake than inserting your ballot in a machine that has been proven to alter your vote by using algorithms. Please see the video posted on our website called “Blackbox voting” to show the software being used to manipulate our votes. Paper ballots cannot be hacked. Each ballot will be available for audit purposes immediately and each vote will count.

Q. You’re saying that our elections aren’t supposed to be federalized. What does that really mean and why should I care?

A. Since 2017 our election agencies have partnered with Department of Homeland Security, CISA, CIS, MS-ISAC, EI-ISAC and control every aspect of our vote. In the process they have disregarded the privacy of our data that is shared on an interstate level, within agencies in our state and federal government. The sovereignty of our South Carolina state elections has been completely eradicated. CISA not only oversees policies and procedures in our elections but also controls our Water, Telecommunications, COVID response, FEMA Camps, and much more. We need to sever ties with the federal government and return the power back to, We the People, the South Carolina voters!

Q. Is it really illegal for federal agencies to be involved in our elections, even if our local elections board wants their help?

A. Our Election Board (SEC) are selected, not elected by the People. The SEC is not transparent in the decisions they make about our South Carolina elections. They do not have the constitutional right to Federalize our elections. This is how they control We the People. When they control our elections, We the People do not have a choice/voice in the direction of our local, state and federal government, which affects every aspect of our lives.

Q. You’re saying voting machines and vote totals can be manipulated through the Internet. My local elections office says the machines aren’t connected to the internet, but you say they are. Prove it!

A.  According to a FOIA’d MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) document which all counties signed in Partnership with CIS/CISA/DHS stated:

“Entity shall provide logistic support in the form of rack space, electricity, INTERNET CONNECTIVITY, and any other infrastructure necessary to support communications at Entity’s expense.

1. In-band access via a secure Internet channel to manage the device(s).

2. Outbound access via a secure Internet channel for log transmission.

3. Public and Private IP address ranges including a list of servers being monitored including the type, operating system and configuration information; and list of IP ranges and addresses that are not in use by the Entity (DarkNet space);”

Q. But CISA says the 2020 elections were the most secure ever. Are they lying?

A. Yes! In 2016, DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and CISA said the Russians interfered in our Elections. However, in 2016 Governor Kemp, then Secretary of State, testified before Congress and presented evidence the Department of Homeland Security hacked into the GA elections. (See statement presented as evidence in our lawsuit). Why was 2016 vulnerable, yet 2020 the most secure? In 2020, due to the COVID pandemic, mail in ballots were harvested throughout the country and there were thousands of affidavits collected proving fraud. And there is evidence proving software on the machines use algorithms to manipulate the tabulation of the vote. We believe truth will prevail and the courts will rule in favor of removing the machines!

Q. CISA/DHS say that they need to help with election security to prevent voter *registration* data from being hacked, but they say the *votes* themselves are totally hack-proof. Are they lying? Prove it!

A. Yes! They are sharing our data with agencies including but not limited to Mental Health Agencies, the FBI, Department of Health, API, FBI, DOJ without our consent. South Carolina voter data is shared in six other states including but not limited to NC, FL, GA, AL, KY, and TN. How can our data being shared with so many agencies be hack-proof? And why are they sharing our data, which violates the Privacy Act?

Q. Why do you want to get rid of the State Elections Commission?

A. The South Carolina SEC is an appointed agency which is not accountable nor elected by the people. The former SEC Director served in office 18 years with no accountability to the people. The majority of the states elect their Secretary of State (SOS), which represents the People and oversee elections. We want to return the power back to the People by returning elections back to the SOS. We need transparency and accountability!

Q. We can’t make all these changes before the midterms! Won’t that cause chaos?

A. No! After the 2020 elections, the majority of the people do not trust the election process. People have filed lawsuits across the country, including several lawsuits filed to date in our state. People have concerns regarding the SEC, our Attorney General and our county election boards. We have more than enough evidence to prove fraud. If the People have confidence that our elections and our vote is secure, regardless of party affiliation, we will not have chaos. Filling out paper ballots will simplify the process. Transparency and accountability will create stability.

Q. Ok I’m convinced that things need to change, what can I do?

A. Please to help file a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) in your county regarding the machines. (Coming soon)

Q. If I don’t want to file a TRO, is there any other way I can help?

A. Yes! You can fill out an affidavit. You can write letters. You can support those who are taking up these legal challenges. See “example letters” on our website. (Coming soon)

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